Abstract class Phalcon\Text

Provides utilities to work with texts








public static camelize (unknown $str)

Converts strings to camelize style


    echo Phalcon\Text::camelize('coco_bongo'); //CocoBongo

public static uncamelize (unknown $str)

Uncamelize strings which are camelized


    echo Phalcon\Text::uncamelize('CocoBongo'); //coco_bongo

public static increment (unknown $str, [unknown $separator])

Adds a number to a string or increment that number if it already is defined


    echo Phalcon\Text::increment("a"); // "a_1"
    echo Phalcon\Text::increment("a_1"); // "a_2"

public static random ([unknown $type], [unknown $length])

Generates a random string based on the given type. Type is one of the RANDOM_* constants


    echo Phalcon\Text::random(Phalcon\Text::RANDOM_ALNUM); //"aloiwkqz"

public static startsWith (unknown $str, unknown $start, [unknown $ignoreCase])

Check if a string starts with a given string


    echo Phalcon\Text::startsWith("Hello", "He"); // true
    echo Phalcon\Text::startsWith("Hello", "he", false); // false
    echo Phalcon\Text::startsWith("Hello", "he"); // true

public static endsWith (unknown $str, unknown $end, [unknown $ignoreCase])

Check if a string ends with a given string


    echo Phalcon\Text::endsWith("Hello", "llo"); // true
    echo Phalcon\Text::endsWith("Hello", "LLO", false); // false
    echo Phalcon\Text::endsWith("Hello", "LLO"); // true

public static lower (unknown $str, [unknown $encoding])

Lowercases a string, this function makes use of the mbstring extension if available


    echo Phalcon\Text::lower("HELLO"); // hello

public static upper (unknown $str, [unknown $encoding])

Uppercases a string, this function makes use of the mbstring extension if available


    echo Phalcon\Text::upper("hello"); // HELLO

public static reduceSlashes (unknown $str)

Reduces multiple slashes in a string to single slashes


    echo Phalcon\Text::reduceSlashes("foo//bar/baz"); // foo/bar/baz
    echo Phalcon\Text::reduceSlashes("http://foo.bar///baz/buz"); // http://foo.bar/baz/buz

public static concat ()

Concatenates strings using the separator only once without duplication in places concatenation


    $str = Phalcon\Text::concat("/", "/tmp/", "/folder_1/", "/folder_2", "folder_3/");
    echo $str; // /tmp/folder_1/folder_2/folder_3/

public static dynamic (unknown $text, [unknown $leftDelimiter], [unknown $rightDelimiter], [unknown $separator])

Generates random text in accordance with the template


    echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hi my name is a Bob
    echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hi my name is a Jon
    echo Phalcon\Text::dynamic("{Hi|Hello}, my name is a {Bob|Mark|Jon}!"); // Hello my name is a Bob